Welcome to my blog! I wanted to kick off by giving you something to aid you on your granny stitch journey. While I was writing my book I created this granny stitch template to help me plan out my colour schemes, and I thought you might like to use it too.
You can either print it out, or open it in Photoshop and colour it in using the paint bucket tool. When I'm trying to pick yarn for a project I sometimes click on the images of the yarn on the retailer's website, right click to save the image, open it in Photoshop, use the eye dropper tool to grab the colour, and then use the paint bucket tool to fill a row with that colour, to see if it works with the other shades. Its a great designing hack!

You can get the JPEG by clicking here. Please let me know in the comments below if you find it useful and do tag me on Instagram if you use it - I'd love to see!
1 comment
I’ve just downloaded the template and excited to get working on some colour ways using my stash for my first granny go round jumper!